The Mad Hatter’s tea party! Muzan makes a dashing MC 😉
The object of my idolatry 💕
The season when things start to bloom is coming. Maybe some romance will, too?
Hocus pocus, do I have your focus?
That garden certainly dwarfs mine…
What a resplendent bedroom.
If I had a chaise longue like that in my house, I’d never leave it. I’d be sat watching streaming services all day…!
Double trouble!
“I will whisk you away atop my valiant steed. Come, fair maiden! We must make haste!”
This could almost be an album cover 🤣
So that’s where Black Beauty went! I see Muzan has the matching bowtie to boot.
He’s gonna marry the night.
Handsome in nature.
He looks so cool in these clothes!
A prince among demons.
I would buy tickets to his concert in a heartbeat!
Springtime by the seaside… sounds lovely.
Being able to dine with you outside like this… I’m so glad I don’t have hay fever. 😆
Demons we may be, but civil are we too. One should always dine in style.
Very tempted to start singing something from The Sound of Music…
So many balloons… be careful you don’t take off!
Serious face = serious ikemen.
This makes me long for autumn!
Has Muzan taken a trip to see the Winter Games?
Reading the English comments here encourages me to learn more.
Hello again, English commentator. I love your language.
English comments again! I’m amazed at how quickly he or she found this new place.
英語のコメントカッコいいですよね📝 こういう言い方するのかァとか 勉強になります。 (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡
I appreciate all your lovely comments.
I appreciate all you_レス83の画像_0
Please come again.
Please come again._レス84の画像_0
可愛いダイニング😍 カッコいいムザリン
ピンクのお花 好き
薔薇ですね 花器も可憐で好きです
乙女部屋 華美過ぎないのが好き
反応ありがとうございます。 今から仮眠とります。
この部屋も好きです カーテン、壁紙、ソファー でも黒電話が1番好き
無惨様の派手なシャツ やっぱりペイズリー柄w
今日は寒かったので 一日中推し部屋にいました。 にーとばんざい。
明日は雪のバレンタイン☃️らしい How romantic!