On the beach.
On the beach._レス101の画像_0
Have fun trick or treating.
Have fun trick or tr_レス107の画像_0
Muzan's devilish good looks help ensure he always gets a massive candy haul when out trick-or-treating.
One look is all it takes to fall, irreversibly so.
Hubble bubble, toil and trouble... Wait. What are they doing in Hawaii?!
Leaving the face in colour while the rest is monochrome gives this image a Kurosawa movie feel. Which of the Seven Samurai would Muzan be...?
I am one of the many sunflowers drawn to your light, always wondering whether you will cast a glance my way. Nevertheless, I'll keep my eye on you for always, as they're is nothing more attractive in this world.
I can see the resemblance!
A true hourglass figure!
Even the statue yearns for his love.
The castle, the flowers, the bouquet hat, the horseback riding... I can't!
I'll fight you for him!
Whatever it is, I bet it's malicious...
Thank you for your favorable responses.
Typical witch: can't see her reflection!
Haha. The horse looks like he just got home to find Muzan dressed up like wtf..?!
I guess that means Muzan always sees the world through a rose-tinted lens.
He looks like he's starring in the "Ray of Light" music video!
There's no clothes a hermaphrodite can't wear.
Hydrangeas flower differently in the West than in the East, but at least the leaves look the same!
This is giving me Eastern European vibes!
A frightfully good one, yes! How about you?
Suits you, sir!
The hills are alive with the sound of Muzan!
Thank you for your enjoyable comments.
Many men can wear paisley, but only real men can pull it off.
Come and let your colours burst!
Colorful paisley? Czech!
Drinking rose-petal tea, flanked on all sides by the pinkest roses, I can't help but be reminded of Muzan's eyes.
Please come and post more comments.
Please come and post_レス135の画像_0
I'd be a fool not to!
Methinks OP forgot to spellcheck this one...
In shining armour!
And a wicked one at that!
Climb up, behind me, and let's run away together!
Looks like a scene from a Tim Burton movie!
Is it possible to be jealous of a horse?
What's the tagline?
I'd hire her in a heartbeat!
I wish I were on his arm!
He's this year's Academy darling!
Now, the question is: did she buy the dress to match the house? Or did she paint the house to go with the dress?!